Sunday, July 4, 2010

WHY CAN'T I BE MORE LOVING? (from the Shut Up Book)


Why Can’t I Be More Loving?
BECAUSE YOU CAN’T! Why can’t you
understand that? You’re as loving as you can be,
and that’s it! You’re always trying to buck the
tide, always wanting everything to be different
than what it is. That’s what makes you so miserable–
your chronic unhappiness about what is,
what’s happening in your life. You constantly
want it to be different. Open your eyes, all your
eyes–see with a little contentment. It’s not better
anywhere else but HERE.

You’re always battling with love. You
want to love more, you want to be in love, you
want everyone to love each other, you want
everyone to love Mother Earth, you want the
world to be made of love, act like love and hopefully
(there’s that word again) become love.
You’re infatuated with love. You might as well be
infatuated with a Halloween mask. It’s the same

Love to you is an object, something to
aspire to, something to possess, something to
become. Again, it’s a crazy notion that someone
stuck in your head and you’re so charmed by it,
it’s kept you stuck forever. Let me help unglue
you. Love is not an object, not something you
can become. It’s You. It’s your very Nature. It’s
the stuff that everything is made of. You’re
already love, so you can stop trying to become it.
Don’t you get it????? Let me repeat: YOU ARE
LOVE. Period.

Don’t think about it. Just relax, take a
breath, be still, and stop this incessant search for
love. It’s just plain dumb, and you’re very intelligent.
Your search for love has brought you nothing
but disappointment. Tell me, has love ever
satisfied you? It’s so fickle, it changes so often,
and you can’t ever get enough of it. It always
leaves you wanting, longing, and praying for

When was the last time you were in love,
in that hunger of love? It took over your entire
system, and for what? Only to be crying and
moaning with disappointment later. From your
boyfriends and girlfriends, to your husbands and
wives, to your parents, to your children and even
to your Guru–you’ve been agonizing about love.

Enough already! Wipe your tears! You’ve been
banging your head against the wall and forgot to
put the timer on so you could remember to stop.
I am Here. I’m your timer. STOP! IT’S
ENOUGH! Love is not an emotion, it’s not your
latest thought or fantasy. It is your very Nature.
You are Love. Now repeat after me, again and
again and again, “Love is my very Nature. I am

It’s amazing what happens when you recognize
who you are. You begin to have some
peace in your life. You stop trying to convince
yourself and the world about what they “should
be doing” to become more loving. You recognize
that they are love and that becomes the grounds
for true communication. You begin to love from
a different perspective. You stop trying to convince
everybody to love you. You become free of
the chains of love and become a beacon of love.

You can’t help it. No effort. It’s your Nature.
It may sometimes appear as if you can’t
stand someone or something, but honestly, it’s
on the very surface, like dust on your computer.

You may react negatively to someone, but it’s the
circumstances of that situation. In truth, you are
love to each other, and all your shouting and
rude words and actions fall flat in the face of
LOVE. So, be easy. Don’t fret about your challenges
with love. It’s only your playful concern
made into a big deal.

Be sweet with yourself. Love is
inevitable... Sorry, there’s no getting away from
it. It follows you wherever you go. You don’t
have to search for it or confuse yourself with it.
It just is, like your lovely eyes. My darlings, how
can I tell you how much I love you? Oh, Love,
sweet love, so charming and so completely YOU.

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