Monday, July 5, 2010

Ask Dvorahji: Why Am I not maintaining my connection to God?

When I turn to some of the teachings and books people recommend - it sometimes causes me more stress that I am not maintaining the correct mind set to be "truely connected". Your messages help remind me that everything is ok and as it should be.....they help me find the peace of heart I am trying to remember. Luv, Sandy

You Know SANDY, "trying to stay connected to spirit" is one of the most ridiculous concept the New Age & Old Age have come up with. YOU ARE ALWAYS CONNECTED...that's never the problem. Are you connected to your nose? Are connected to your breathing? So you are always connected to the Divine to spirit. 

What causes stress is "thinking, feeling" whether you're connected or not. Your life will continue to change according to ITS OWN PLAN..LIFE JUST MOVES ALONG BAD & GOOD. You're job is to recognize that you are always loved and that right now the weather is a little grey, cloudy....

Relax, keep moving along, I promise you it will change. Don't bother to think about it so much...just do what's in front of your face and keep moving along...

If you have a chance pick up the "Shut Up book" get it from the AOL bookstore and ...go through my posts and relax with your life, knowing very CLEARLY, that if it could've been different, if it could have turned out different, It would have!!!'re just fine.

Keep going to group Kriya and don't isolate yourself...and you can write a letter to Guruji

ok, love Dvorah


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