Monday, July 5, 2010

Ask Dvorahji: A new perspective on JUDGING others!

"The moment you place judgement on another person, you are revealing to yourself the part of you that you are in judgement of." ~ Amir Zoghi******

You know, we judge people all the time...and we think it's so horrible! Well, let me be the first to say: IT'S NATURAL...And it's not such a big deal. No matter how much you "don't" want to judge - you JUST DO - AND THEN you end up hating yourself & others for judging. It's so stupid really. LOVE IS YOUR NATURE and judging comes & goes (and let it be from your throat or brain and not from your heart!!!)

And if we wouldn't take it all so SERIOUSLY we wouldn't get so bent out of shape 
everytime we judge a 90 year old driving in front of us at 20mph in a 60 mph zone.

THIS POLITICALLY SPIRITUAL CORRECT NONSENSE GIVES ME HEARTBURN AND I THINK IT'S BECAUSE OF THE CHINESE FOOD I HAD FOR DINNER (OOPS! was I just judgemental? SH@@ - can't say anything nowadays: Especially in a non-judgemental spiritual community - where people judge each other ALL THE F-ING TIME about who's judgemental or not! 

Give yourself a break, and stop looking for reasons/quotes to JUDGE YOURSELF!

SPIRITUAL SEEKERS & devotees are always judging me! Do I really know WHO I AM?........Well let me help you along....I don't have a clue WHO I AM and if you think you know who you are - you are defnitely spiritually CRAZY!

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