Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ask Dvorahji: Is having a Guru giving your POWER AWAY?

R.S: "...abdicating your power for me means letting a third party (a guru) make decisions for you. He tells u what to do or not. That means giving away your freedom.
Gautam Saigal My point is simple your internal guidence is the real deal. Not some certified or not, true guru. When you realise that, you are set free. You are connected to god. My point is simple: Your internal guidence is the real deal. Not some certified or not, true guru."***** 

Darling: First of all I have a Guru and this nonsence about "abducating your power" is ridiculous. What power do you have to abdicate? The Divine runs the show not you, so what power would the Guru want from you? Your brain? Your tired old body? it's ridiculous that the Guru wants your power. What would he do with it? Such spiritual kindergarden concepts.

Buddha said, "deeds are done and there is no individual doer". What do you think that means? It MEANS YOU DO NOT RUN THIS SHOW. AGAIN THE DIVINE RUNS THE SHOW...However your "ego/mind" THINKS it runs the show. But FROM MY PERSPECTIVE that silly.

A True Guru only wants the best for you...and he/she is YOUR VERY NATURE IN a different form and functions as a guide to help you let go of all your concepts and see THAT LOVE, ENLIGHTENMENT GOD, GURU are your nature. First of all (from my perspective) Guru's don't tell you what to do...they don't care what you do...because they know, you do what you do! Why? Again, Because the DIVINE RUNS THE SHOW, not some "puny" idea of freedom that people "think" they have. You are so smart and you HAVE MISSED THE SPIRITUAL POINT. 

And Second "FREEDOM has nothing to do with being connected to God. THERE ARE NO TWO...NEVER. YOU ARE ALWAYS CONNECTED TO GOD. ..This "thinking" of being set free and then you are connected to God...it's just ANOTHER CONCEPT seekers tend to believe. It's all this "Law of Attraction nonsense that you are buying into. It's a very very minor law, a physical law...it's NOTHING in the big picture.

Guidance, unfortunately is usually a feeling, or maybe an intuitive feeling or whatever, it's all the same thing. The Divine runs the show!! No "inner & outer" NO "I make the decisions and don't give my power away" nonsense. NOT for a true seeker of truth.

I have taken a lot of time here and why? Because you are such a sincere person who's "thinking is askew". You're looking in the wrong direction. You ARE LOOKING OUT, you just "think" you're looking in. You're a heart beat away, a blink from WAKING UP.

You want some real truth? Read Ramana for awhile without all these other distractions of spiritual concepts that you have...Read Nissargaddatta. Just for one day...SKIP the law of attraction stuff, skip Abraham Hicks...

Just READ ONE GREAT GURU OR BOOK...read the concise Vasistha...or for modern day...Read Ramesh or an interesting guy like Nathan Gill, or even Tony Parsons. Check out my Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar...Take your pick! Just read sincerely something different then the hype you've been reading. it's for beginners....and of course there is nothing wrong with it...But you seem to think you know "Something & have some power that you don't want to give away"...and you have no idea how ridiculous that sounds".

I have one last suggestion: Try a new mantra: 
"I am always free, always connected to God and so is EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE...and freedom and power are words I made up...


Ps. and remember..Your "intuition" found me...I didn't go looking for you, so for one moment...drop your belief system and with an open MIND check out mine....and thennnnnnnnnn who knows...anything is possible in consciousness... I may start doing affirmations cause I really do need a trip to Hawaii!
'DAT's me and my GURU...Guru is your Nature...Have Fun with your Guru......

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