Monday, July 5, 2010

the Illusion of NOW...

 I think it's helpful for people to realize they are ALWAYS in the NOW. There is this "trying" to live in the 'now" & that in itself causes suffering. Your body is always is the Now, isn't it? Your breath is always in the Now, isn't it? It's ONLY our "thoughts" that question being in the Now, trying to "get there". That's a common ILLUSION of today - trying to be in the NOW. Forget it! Your Nature IS NOW....

May 25 at 5:50pm ·  ·  · Promote
Ann Cardon
May 25 at 8:46pm ·  ·  · Flag
David Gaspin
David Gaspin 
Yeah but it's perrty kool when you can actually enjoy that shower or cup of coffee etc etc without being so consumed with what happened or didn't happen yesterday or even what's goin to happen or not happen after the shower, coffee, etc myself and I after lots of practice can get there quicker than before but if u look around...lots of people could use some help.....but Dvorahji, I am definately challenged & confused, thus for the joining of your great site :)
May 26 at 12:19am ·  ·  · Flag
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused 
Hi David...and of course the JOKE IS - everybody's challenged & confused especially when they "think" they have the answers! And people, especially spiritual people who've been doing this spiritual/enlightenment trip for a long time and can talk about it really well, think they have all the answers...

.It's a BIG I DON'T KNOW FEST! Once you really "get that" in a BIG WAY...YOU can finally accept your life as it shows up and be happy with WHAT IS...

My original title was "Final Guide for the Spiritually Challenged, Confused & Miserable! and of course people got offended, no one wants to see themselves as miserable (no humor!)

Lord I don't know certainly can be miserable especially for Seekers! I certainly still get miserable, I just don't care...It doesn't bother me for some reason - and it doesn't hold me - I just move along to the next moment which amazingly enough can turn blissful to distraction.....EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERY THING COMES & GOES...If you observe your life you will see that it's a passing dog & pony show and you happen to be the barker...really astounding...
May 26 at 2:04am ·  · 
Harshal A Deshmukh
Harshal A Deshmukh 
Dvorahji: If Whatever you know and say comes from that state 'not knowing' how do you know that whatever you know is the right knowing?
May 26 at 3:21am ·  ·  · Flag
Josie Rowe
Josie Rowe 
true x
May 26 at 4:10am ·  ·  · Flag
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused 
Harshal, I was wondering when you'd finally get it, and realize that I really don't know anything? But what I do know!!!! IS THAT YOU ARE A
May 26 at 10:57am ·  · 
Tanbir Kabarwal
May 26 at 11:21am ·  ·  · Flag
Ann Cardon
Ann Cardon 
A wonderful falling away. There is no seeking. The joke is on us!
May 26 at 11:55am ·  ·  · Flag
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused
Dvorahji Final Guide For The Spiritually Challenged & Confused 
what's interesting to me about calling it a "joke on us" that we usually don't take very kindly to this Cosmic joke. There is a saying:
"the truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first!!" .....and that was certainly my experience.

When I first realized that the flow, construct of life, of my life, was nothing but concepts ( like concentrated thoughts made of holograms (for a better description): I, Dvorah got crazy angry. Because the "person/Dvorah" comes out of that KNOWING and whines & complains how she's been duped and how could the Divine play such a horrible joke on her and on and on. It's Dvorah (the person, the thought form) that calls it a joke and it's Dvorah that's pissed off! So it's the personality plays out the drama. HOWEVER...

After that initial nonsense (which can last awhile and continues to come & go)...there is this realization that just doesn't care what "dvorah" thinks about anthing!!! Dvorah can whine, complain, curse her life, her realiztions, her Guru, her misery or the opposite, love everything, bless everything, WHATEVER.....IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER....You do what you do, say what you say and do the very best you can and are happy with the PEACE-THE JOKE-THIS.

IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS and that's the end of IT.
May 26 at 2:31pm ·  · 
Ann Cardon
Ann Cardon 
Oh THANK YOU for saying this!
May 26 at 7:23pm ·  ·  · Flag

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